Ponder some of Dr. Van's favorite quotes:
- "I work with subjects - therefore I can be subjective. Objectivity frees us to work with objects."
- "Failure: Is the aggregation of negative information."
- "Healing is the intuitive art of wooing nature."
- "NO healing occurs or remains without the rising of awareness."
- "The trouble with people is that they know too many things that ain't so."
- "Ignorance is most vehemently protected by sincere emotionalism."
- "Truth may be defeated for a time, but never conquered."
- "Our ignorance will always remain greater than our knowledge."
- "The human body is viewed by most doctors as a single design or replicable clone from the same mold, so that if two or more persons respond to a given therapy, a universal panacea is born."
- "Healing power: Cannot be found in a bottle, tube, jar, drill, needle, or book; it is not the sole province of the doctor, the minister, the psychologist, medicine man or shaman. It is not limited to hospitals, sanitariums, clinics, operating tables, or recovery rooms. The task of environmental accouterments is to relieve the client until time, space and the power of life heal."
- "It is better to die at the hands of an orthodox physician, than to be saved by a quack."
- "Never get a second opinion. It is much more revealing to get two first opinions."
- "Most conditions are not diseases at all, but the incredible, intellectual adaptation of a wonderfully reactive body."
- "The extent to which disease can develop is directly related to the state of the body's biological terrain."
- "The name of the disease is of no concern of mine, and the name of the medicine I give, is no concern of yours."
- "It is what we think we know already that often prevents us from learning."
- "One should die young, as late as possible."
- "When the body is still, the mind follows, quietly. When the senses are still, consciousness flows and follows. When the heart is empty of desires, peace follows."
- "We are the soil of the Earth. Go back to it clean and nontoxic."
- "The arrival of a good clown exercises more beneficial influence than 20 donkeys laden with drugs."
- "A bureaucratic is the most despicable of men, though he is needed as vultures are needed, (but one hardly admires vultures). I have yet to meet a bureaucrat (politician) who was not petty, dull, almost witless, crafty or stupid, an oppressor or a thief, a holder of little authority in which he delights, as a boy delights in the possession of a visicious dog. Who can trust such creatures?"
- "If we don't change our direction, we will end up where we are headed." (Chinese Proverb)
- "The passion to regulate the lives of others is deep seeded in many individuals. When this is based on political expediency it is bad, and when it is inspired by an idealism which wishes to inflict benefit on others, it becomes dangerous."
- Disease: The healing taking place.
- "Medicine uses knowledge, techniques, universal laws and principles. Healing emphasizes relationships, flexibility, attunement to the patient, and the wisdom to use almost anything at hand as a tool."
- "Smart is believing only half of what you see and hear. Brilliant is knowing which half to use."
- "I wonder if the statistics of any disease, at any time, anywhere in the world, has ever been significantly reduced in frequency by improving the quality of its treatment. Treatment as important as it is, does not reduce the prevalence of disease. Only a change in lifestyle is capable of that."
- "It is not that hard to succeed. It is much harder to be ruined by success."
- "Hurry up and use the new drug while it's still effective."
- "There is no avant garde. There are only politicians who are always too late."
- "We are a fear driven nation: Capitalists frighten us with communism, socialism and dictatorship. Militarists frighten us with bombs, chemical warfare and slavery. Theologians frighten us with hell, purgatory, devils and demons. Medical doctors frighten us with viruses, bacteria, fungus and cancer."
- "Don't believe anything they say until they can cure the common cold." - Opa Van Beveren
- "Health comes from the farm, not the pharmacy."
- "In our demand for universal consensus, we have penalized challenges to the mainstream and patronized decent. Thus, we ask for and often receive the lowest common denominator."
- "Truth, even when only partly grasped, can be seen to have a certain dignity, a majesty."
- "That specific diseases require specific treatment, is egregiously fallacious and whimsical at best. Disease is a constitutional breakdown which will require constitutional remedies, not specific treatment."
- "All organic processes are controlled by electromagnetic oscillations and are superordinate to biochemistry."
- "O, reason not the need; our basest beggars are in the poorest thing superfluous; allow not nature more than nature needs." - King Lear
- "Some people have the healthiest vitamin jars in the neighborhood."
- "It is totally unfair and nonsensical to reward those who provide crisis intervention and ignore or penalize those who prevent them."
- "All so called vitamins come from the same pharmaceutical companies where they are synthesized from starting materials - just like drugs. The results are pure, isolated, identifiable molecular structures - now bastardized with the name "vitamin." These are never found in food. The answer to the problem of these synthetic products being filtered out by the kidneys are megadoses, time-released and embedded in "natural" bases. All are band-aid therapies."
- "Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and environmental toxins play a modulating role in the process of most diseases; but frank vitamin disorders and/or subclicinal deficiencies (as well as excesses), is a most necessary condition for their fulmination."
- "Test animals die sooner on high-potency enriched diets than those on the same diet without the enrichment."
- "It is grievous that our food loses so much of what may be essential protection, nearly because the vision of scientists and their methods is only as long as the life of a rat."
- "Modern civilization has been on a chelation diet since the first refineries."
- "According to the law of physics, there is no such thing as homeostasis. Everything is either hypo- or hyper-kinetic.
- "Preventative medicines prevents medicine."
- "One common misconception is the plants, herbs and nature food stuffs were made specifically for the enjoyment, growth, maintenance and reproduction of mankind. Nothing could be further from the truth. Rather man, the evolutionary latecomer, has managed to drape his digestive needs around a variety of plant and animal kingdoms and while mostly in harmony and synergy with them, must continually be reminded that these plants, herbs, animals, bacteria and even the lowly virus, have needs of their own.